Pregnancy Care

Empowered Pregnancy
In just 9 months, a woman carries and provides a new life into this world! Prenatal chiropractic care will keep momma feeling great physically with less pain and better equipped for all the bodily changes about to take place along this amazing journey. It will also promote ideal positioning for the baby leading to the labor and delivery she desires.
No matter where you are in your journey of pregnancy, having a neuro-spinal system that is clear and connected creates the optimal environment for a comfortable and healthy pregnancy.

Becoming a mother is a beautiful process, but sometimes it can feel overwhelming with raging hormones, new aches and pains, and the pressure of knowing your baby is depending on you to make the best choices for it to grow strong and healthy. We are here to listen to your specific cares and concerns.
Webster Technique/Spinning Babies
Drs Rylan and Dani are certified in Webster Technique. Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic pelvic analysis leading to a specific adjustment. The goal is to make sure a woman’s pelvis is in optimal normal physiological function. The technique not only involves an adjustment, but works on various musculature that may be tight leading to it pulling on pelvic bones and pulling them out of proper alignment.
In addition to Webster Technique, Dr. Dani has taken a Spinning Babies workshop and can help moms-to-be with these stretches. Spinning Babies focuses on body balancing for fetal positioning and pregnancy comfort. These stretches can be learned at the office and then can be completed at home.
Bumpin’ Ain’t Easy
We want to support you the best we can! We’ve been around the block a time or two (or three). If you find yourself having muscle cramps, pubic bone pain, round ligament pain, morning sickness, mid-back pain from growing breast tissue, low-back pain from an enlarging belly, etc… Just remember we are here to help! We have all sorts of resources to help you along this journey, so just ask!
Here are a few of our favorite books to read during pregnancy –
Well Adjusted Babies written by Dr. Jennifer Barham-Floreani, Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth written by Ina May Gaskin, Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way written by Susan McCutcheon.
Pregnancy changes are beautiful, but don’t let them cause you pain or discomfort.
Creates optimal fetal position through optimal pelvic alighment.
Known to reduce average labor times.
Reduces neck, back, and pelvic pain.
Supports natural labor and delivery.
Top Rated Chiropractors in Sioux Falls
Monday: 8:00am-8:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am-8:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am-8:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am-8:00pm
Friday: 8:00am-8:00pm
Saturday: Appointment Only